Keeping Your Content Current is Key!

Keeping your website content current is important for a few reasons. The websites that people visit over and over again are the ones that consistently update their information. Some businesses shy away from this because they fear it will be time-consuming. However, it doesn’t have to be – below are some quick and easy tips on ways to keep your content current:

  • Specials: Offering weekly or monthly specials is one way to get people to keep checking your site. It’s a win-win situation: your customers feel appreciated, and you get the constant flow of traffic to your site.
  • Events: Is your business hosting or supporting an event? Create a “News & Events” page on your site, and be sure to consistently update this section accordingly. It keeps your customers/clients in the loop, and allows you to share your community involvement and other news like awards, recognitions, etc.
  • Blog: Starting a blog is a great way to share just about any kind of insight about your business or your industry. It shows your customers that you’re current on best practices, and that you are passionate and well-informed about what you do. It also can help your search engine optimization (SEO) results, as other people or companies who find your post informative may feel compelled to share it and link to it.

For more ideas on how to keep your website content fresh, contact LME Designs.

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