Useful Link! – 5 Benefits of Social Media Business Owners Need to Understand

Useful Link! LME Designs


1. Increase Brand Awareness – “Because social networks are used by more than two-thirds of the country, and given the way content spreads virally to others, social media is the perfect channel to promote a brand to potential customers.
Relevanza  reported that 78 percent of small businesses attract new customers through social media.”
2. Legitimize A brand – “When Internet consumers discover a business or retailer they want to use but know little about, they often check their social media page to learn more about it.”
3. Increase Sales – “There are ways to use social media to directly steer consumers toward the sales funnel. For fans of the business, business owners can write posts that link to products, sales, etc.”
4. Improve Customer Service – “One of the key concerns of consumers when they shop online is the responsiveness of customer service.”
5. Distribute Content – “Social media accounts for a huge portion of referral traffic on the web. People are looking for content that interests them and they want to share it online.”